Grant Summary
School |
Number of Grants
Amount of Grants
Antheil Elementary |
$ 4,545.00
Lore Elementary |
Parkway Elementary |
Fisher Middle School |
O’Brien Academy |
Ewing High School |
Totals |
Of the above grants, specific grants were funded by dedicated contributions from several corporate partners:
New Jersey Manufacturers |
Credit Union of New Jersey |
Total Sponsored Grants |
The Board Members of the Foundation would like to thank all corporate, business, event, and individual sponsors, whose contributions have made possible these awards. The Foundation also thanks the Ewing Board of Education and the Public School District administration for its ongoing support and encouragement. Lastly, we wish to thank and acknowledge the teachers and administrators in the Ewing Public School District, whose dedication, devotion and creativity in educating the young men and women and in developing these innovative programs will inspire our students to “reach for the stars,” as they become educated leaders and citizens. It is through the collaborative efforts of all that the Foundation is privileged to contribute to the betterment of our community. Together, we connect, innovate and inspire.
Grant Descriptions
From Page to Stage ($400.00)
(Wendy T. Dunham Award)
Lisa Rogers (Pre-school)
Ewing Township Public Schools has expanded its preschool programs over the past ten years. There are three preschool inclusion classes, with one class housed in each elementary building, and three full-day preschool disabled classes. The preschool program provides activities in which all children participate together. This grant will provide funding for The Garden State Discovery Museum Theater Outreach Program. “The Theatre Troop engages students in lively, audience-participation performances that instruct while they entertain.” Many of the Preschool Teaching and Learning Standards, “encourage curiosity, problem-solving, and the generation of ideas and fantasy through exploration.” This grant contributes toward achieving these standards.
Theatrical Curtain FMS ($4,489.82)
(Ray Broach Arts in Education Award)
Lauren Tenaglia (All)
This grant will fund the purchase of an additional curtain rod and curtain for the Fisher auditorium as part of ongoing efforts to enhance the new performing arts theater program at the middle school level. The additional curtain will enable students to create materials and sets of a more sophisticated nature and to properly display their work. Members of the stage crew will be able to create scenery and utilize more students in performance and stagecraft, further increasing student participation in the theater program, including stage crew committee meetings, performance rehearsals, and actual performances.
Mission to Mars: Engineering Design with STEM in the 21st Science Classroom ($2,145.00)
(Eleanor Horne Award)
Darrell Williams, Greg Peters (Grades 6-8)
This grant for MISSION TO MARS has a variety of components addressing, but not limited to: S.T.E.M. topics and skills that enhance the current Math and Science curricula; topics, skills, and opportunities that would incorporate the English/Language Arts and Social Studies/ History curricula; opportunities to incorporate the creativity of the Arts (S.T.E.M.); focusing on Methods of Science and Engineering Design Practices found in NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards); applications of the Common Core (Math) with use of current data from NASA. Through these processes and activities, students will not only increase their ENGAGEMENT in the academic process, but will build needed problem-solving and collaborative skills that will enhance their academic achievement; also building memories and experiences never to be forgotten.
Smart Kids Rule in Ewing ($3,775.00)
(Sponsored by CUNJ)
Erika Freeman, Barbara Brower (Grades 6-8) – Fisher Middle School
Smart Kids Rule in Ewing (SKRIE) is a reward/incentive program designed to highlight and recognize Fisher Middle School students and families for their academic, social and behavioral accomplishments. The Smart Kids Rule in Ewing Program has proven to be successful because the number of students recognized each year continues to increase. During Marking Period 1 of the 2015-2016 school year, 338 students were recognized for their academic achievement. Additionally, over 500 guests attended the Parent Recognition Assembly this past June. Students who have earned honor roll status will be formally recognized and issued a gift during school wide assemblies that feature guest speakers and special presentations that congratulate and encourage students to continue their excellent work. The funding from this grant would allow staff to reinforce those expectations by presenting their students with SOAR Bucks through the entire school year. Ultimately, their SOAR Bucks are filled out with their personal information and then entered into a SOAR raffle where they are eligible for various prizes at the conclusion of each month. The SOAR Bucks are also used as currency at the Fisher school store.
Hands on Science with a Dash of Math Night ($1,900)
(Sponsored by NJM)
Nicole Tassello, Jason Zablow (Grades K-5) – Antheil Elementary School
Hands on Science with a Dash of Math Night is a once a year event that engages students in all the district schools as well as the residents of Ewing Township in a variety of science and math activities and programs. Teachers, parents and outside participants from surrounding colleges volunteer their time to host hands-on science activities. These individuals are recruited by the event organizers, and science/math topics are either approved or appointed by them. All materials needed for is the various activities are purchased by the organizers, and distributed to the volunteers. On Science Night, students are free to visit rooms that host activities of their own interest and engage in fun and educational learning experiences.
SOAR Above and Beyond ($2,000.00)
(Sponsored by NJM)
Anne Colaizzo (Grades 6-8)
This grant will provide opportunities for job training for the students in the Life Skills and Autistic classes at the Fisher Middle School. By working in the school store, special education students are able to interact with their nondisabled peers while enhancing their prevocational skills. A sign on the door of the school store lists the name of the manager and assistant manager. These students feel a sense of accomplishment when they see their names on the door and they take pride in serving the customers. Another objective of this grant is to use the S.O.A.R bucks as a reward system for the entire Fisher Middle School population as part of the Positive Behavior Supports program.
Math Mania Extravaganza ($800)
(Sponsored by NJM)
Sharon Sharlin, Traci Lambert (Grades 3-5)
Grant proceeds will be used to fund this unique and engaging Math-based program. Come one, come all to the Math Mania Extravaganza! Third graders at Lore Elementary School are invited to put on their thinking caps and delve into their imaginations as they design, develop, and create math games for others to play at the first Math Mania Extravaganza! During two weeks of math instruction, all third graders will work in teams to explore mathematical concepts based off the third grade common core standards. In these teams, students will brain-storm real-life applications of a mathematical concept, for the purpose of exploring various standards in an exciting and engaging format. Thestudents at Lore Elementary School will benefit by demonstrating mastery of a mathematical concept, working collaboratively with others, and supporting each others’ hard work. This is an opportunity for all students to shine!
Parkway Elementary School
(6 grants totaling $7,542.00)
Parkway Panther Book Club ($510.00)
Debra, Klevze-Cornelius, LaJoy Collins (Grade 2)
The Parkway Book Club encourages students of varying reading abilities within the student body to consistently read more books outside of school hours to further develop their reading skills. Attainable grade appropriate goals have been devised to reward students for challenging themselves for their reading choices. Through additional reading, students are further exposed to a more varied vocabulary as well as additional worldly experiences. This enables them to connect more to the school, the community and the world around them.
Controlled Free Movement in the Classroom ($1,278.00)
Debra Klevze-Cornelius, Kara Sailman (All Students)
This grant will fund 32 Hokki stools. These specially designed seats will be utilized in two second grade general education classrooms, a third grade self-contained special education classroom, a fourth grade self-contained special education classroom, and in the Occupational Therapy classroom environment. Traditionally rigid classroom seating options will be replaced by the more actively engaging Hokki stools. For many students, movement is needed to think and remain engaged. Providing learners with safe and comfortable seating that benefits them physically and mentally as well as creates a positive and engaging learning environment. The stools help to optimize attention and concentration, release good brain chemicals to keep the mind alert, increase circulation, strengthen core postural and back muscle groups, and improve balance and coordination.
Discovery Dry-Erase Traverse Rock Climbing Wall ($1,079.00)
Craig Johnson (Grades K-5)
This grant will fund the expansion of the climbing wall at Parkway to allow a larger number of students access at the same time, creating an environment for a wide range of pedagogical situations at both primary and secondary levels. The traverse wall has a number of other advantages: it is easy to use and perfect for beginners’ courses since there are no particular skills that have to be developed beforehand. Any student, regardless of skill level, can climb on this type of wall. The wall can continue to be used year after year.
Pawsitive Panthers Days of Service ($476.00)
Leigh Cline (Pre-K – 5)
This grant will provide the materials needed to perform a school-wide week of service which will benefit the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen (TASK). On scheduled days in January 2017, close to Martin Luther King, Jr,’s birthday/Day of Service, all Parkway students will have the opportunity to create take-home lunch bags and toiletry bags for the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen as well as plastic ware sets to be used by the Soup Kitchen during their mealtimes.
HearBuilder Literacy Program ($199.00)
Leigh Cline (Grades 1-2)
The HearBuilder grant will purchase a subscription to HearBuilder, an online literacy program that works with students to boost their knowledge and skills in following directions, phonological awareness, auditory memory, and sequencing. HearBuilder allows students to work independently on individualized practice of foundational literacy skills using a computer and headphones. A teacher subscription to HearBuilder will provide 40 students with access to the program. This will include all of the transitional students in Parkway’s potential first and second grade transitional classes as well as any additional students who are identified as being in need of additional support in key component areas.
Dance to Learn – Roxy Ballet ($4,000.00)
Laura Hall-Carney (Grades K-5)
This grant will provide the funding for Dance To Learn – Roxey Ballet is an interdisciplinary and inclusive dance curriculum with the goal to advance dance education in schools and community settings. It is a model of dance education that meets the NJ Department of Education Core Curriculum Standards for Dance and the National Core Arts Standards in Dance. The Dance to Learn curriculum is both arts-based and truly arts-integrated. The program: encourages students to explore, internalize and transform learning from the music classroom into the elements of dance, while developing their individual creative voices. It offers opportunities for students to reflect critique and connect personal experiences to their learning of music and dance and is adaptive to any genre or culture. It provides an inroad to kinesthetic learning and directly connects to music and physical education as well as language arts, mathematics, science and social studies curricula. It provides formative and summative assessment and documentation tools to help measure the effectiveness of student learning and facilitator impact. The program will be led by a former student of Parkway Elementary School.
Fisher Middle School
(4 grants totaling $11,564.40)
The Screaming Eagles ($1,000.00)
Brian Parker (Grades 6-8)
Grant proceeds will be used to promote school spirit and the development of students’ social and emotional development so they will be fully engaged in activities. The education of Ewing’s 6-8th grade students at Fisher Middle School is much more than just teaching the basic educational requirements of math, English, history and the like. It always includes rounding out the key components of education with an emphasis toward raising good future citizens. The “total child” philosophy includes the important social and emotional well-being of the child that is so important to raising future generations of children. Involvement in after-school activities and involvement in their community is a vital part of this endeavor and this simple program will help that ‘fringe’ population of kids to become more involved in a positive, fun and interactive after-school activity.
O’Brien Academy
(1 grant totaling $3,150.00)
Technology in the Art Room ($3,150.00)
Lauren Weber (Grades K-8)
Proceeds from this award will be used to acquire a color printer, document camera and projector providing needed technology enhancements for the classroom in order to meet the unique needs of students in this Alternative School. Technology will enable teachers to present visual material and demonstrations in a unique way, helping to promote a stable routine and reduce adverse behavior occurrences in favor of a positive and engaging atmosphere.
Antheil Elementary School
(7 Grants totaling $6,334.00)
“Cooking” Up Good Speech and Language ($300.00)
Kristine Lamb (Full Day Pre-K Students)
This grant will be used to implement an integrated bi-weekly Speech/Language Program that incorporates cooking techniques with targeted speech and language goals for the students in the full day preschool disabilities classes. Students will be exposed to a variety of skills including: functional vocabulary, following directions, listening/attending, comprehension of basic concepts, critical-thinking, fine motor skills, and healthy-living. It will also allow them to practice social/pragmatic language skills within a group environment
Hokki Stools ($936.00)
Margaret Sciarotta, Dawn Secrest (First & Second Grade)
This award will fund the purchase of three Hokki Stools, which enable students with ADHD and other behavioral issues to remain seated and focused by permitting them to stay seated yet move around, without being disruptive to a lesson or the classroom environment. The stools help children practice self-control, improve posture and develop trunk control, all leading to better focus during lessons or independent work time.
The Art in My World ($900.00)
Susan Bozarth Smith (Pre-School Disabled Class)
This grant will give the preschool disabled classes hands-on learning experiences that will provide opportunities to make connections with the greater world of art. Sensory experiences will include handling objects from the Michener Art Museum that facilitate appreciation of the art work at the Michener, and hands-on construction of art projects that will give the children connections to famous artists. For example, the children might make a painting/drawing after looking at a poster of a painting in the museum or have the opportunity to touch a mobile and make a mobile in the Calder style. The Michener Art Museum has made a commitment to continue to match the funds that the EPEF awards so that the complete cost of the program is covered
Multiplication Masters! ($660.00)
Nina Hartigan (Grades 3-5)
This grant would provide another way for students to practice and master their multiplication facts outside of the curriculum as well as reinforce concepts they have learned in class while providing the teacher with data. Sumdog is a website that provides engaging games that allow students to practice not only their basic math facts, but other math skills both at home and at school. With this subscription, teachers can collect data about student growth as well as cater the online experience to the needs of the students.
Measuring Fitness Daily ($1,238.00)
Jason Zablow, Margaret Wood (Pre-K – Grade 5)
This grant will be used to fund pedometers to track the movement and activity levels of students in Physical Education Classes at Antheil Elementary School. It would allow teachers to see actual data on what games allow students to be more active than others and how much of a difference there is from one game or activity to the next. By using this technology, students will become more active, resulting in increased fitness scores.
Lore Elementary School
(5 grants totaling $20,358.90)
Building Our Brains with BrainPOP! ($320.00)
Jennifer Hoh (Grade 1)
This grant will secure access to BrainPOP, an online resource. With the use of BrainPOP students will be engaged through animated movies, learning games, interactive quizzes, primary source activities, concept mapping, and more. BrainPOP covers topics within Science, Math, Social Studies, English Language Arts, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Music, Health, Reading, and Writing. Lesson content is carefully mapped to the Common Core and aligned to academic standards. Incorporating BrainPOP into existing lessons will help to enhance students’ learning experiences.
The Construction Zone! Building Each Other Up ($5,388.90)
Tracy Radler (Pre-K – 5)
This grant, which will benefit students at both Lore and Parkway Elementary Schools, is a cross-curricular activity that incorporates kinesthetic movement and the academic subjects – math and physics.
Students will, over the course of the lessons in the unit, be introduced to, become more familiar with, and practice skills dealing with curriculum and core content of the New Jersey standards in mathematics, physical fitness, health, personal safety, music, life skills, anti-bullying, and science. The program will highlight Newton’s Laws and how they are tied to mathematics and our world around us.
This anti bullying program will be highlighted as children work to be up standers. The focus is to build each other up, and celebrate each other! Construction ZONE’s Building each other up touches on important core content curriculum concepts, essential questions, enduring understandings, acquired knowledge, and practical applications of the the various curricula.
Calling all First Grade Authors! ($290.00)
Angela Capozzoli (Grade 1)
The purpose of this grant is to provide each child in the first grade with his or her own blank hard covered book. After a year of instruction and growth in the area of writing, these books will be used as a culminating piece. The children will write, illustrate, edit, revise and design their own covers for their stories. What better way to teach each and children that they can be authors and make their own stories? They will make a rough draft and revise and edit their stories. They will then be given their hardcover books to “publish” their finished pieces. They will include cover art, a dedication page, an “About the Author” page, and a summary to tempt their audiences to read their books. This will make the writing process real to them and involve them in the step by step process of creating their own stories. These books will then be shared with family and friends at an end of the year Author Celebration.
What’s Up Google Doc? ($13,560.00)
Stacy Hughes, Robin Schiavoni (Grades K-5)
With this grant, the largest individual grant awarded by the Foundation, the recipients will be able to provide interactive lessons to students using technology to TEACH technology. We are moving toward the future with Google Drive/Google Docs/Google Apps. Full Windows operating systems are no longer needed to teach this technology. Chromebooks are extremely easy to use – and kid-friendly. There is an extensive array of Apps and Chrome OS offers a simpler and more straightforward interface than Windows 10.