Thank you for all that you do to support us! I am really enjoying teaching the class!
Mr. Peter Silipino
Fisher Middle School Band
Fisher Middle School Stage Band
Thank you for all that you do to support us! I am really enjoying teaching the class!
Mr. Peter Silipino
Fisher Middle School Band
Fisher Middle School Stage Band
Thank you to the EPEF and the Curt Patterson Memorial Fund for helping to provide an amazing opportunity for the 8th grade orchestra at FMS. The orchestra commissioned and gave the world premiere new piece of music composed by Dr. Steven L. Rosenhaus. Dr. Rosenhaus serves as Adjunct Assistant Professor of Composition at NYU Steinhardt’s Department of Music and Performing Arts Professions. The title of the piece is “Con el Viento” (“With the Wind”) and was premiered by the 8th grade orchestra at the Winter Concert on January 17, 2019. The title was created by 8th grade student and violist in the orchestra Jayden White. Before the premiere, Dr. Rosenhaus visited the students to rehearse the piece and provide valuable feedback. After the successful premiere, conducted by the composer, Dr. Rosenhaus visited the orchestra again to listen to original student compositions and give them insight into the work of a composer.
The commissioned piece “Con el Viento” was made possible through the Curt Patterson Memorial Fund and the Ewing Public Education Foundation. Heather Raub, who organizes the Curt Patterson Memorial Fund, described the mission of the fund:
“Curt Patterson is the late grandfather of Fisher Middle School’s 8th grade student Sierra Mitchell, and Antheil Elementary School’s 3rd grader AJ Raub. Curt, who grew up in Hopewell, NJ, loved music and theater. He played guitar and bass, and was at one point a disc jockey. Music was always a part of his life and he would have wanted to encourage the love and playing of music for anyone interested. It is through music that we keep his memory alive and that we donate the funds to help support the musical endeavors of the Fisher Middle School and the Ewing school district. It is an honor to contribute to such a unique experience.”
Thank you again to Heather Raub, and the EPEF for providing this unforgettable experience to our students.
Colleen M. Ferry
Orchestra Director
Fisher Middle School
‘I’m am so thrilled that we all made this happen! The kids had such a great experience and exposure to something they might not have had otherwise. It is so important to bring opportunity and possibility to the students.
Can’t wait for the next project Ms. Ferry!’
Heather Raub
FrontRoom Images
Everything is going wonderfully with the grant. When I received the Ipad I immedately loaded the main “speedy speech” apps and a few other apps onto the device and have been using them daily! I have found that I have been able to use the device not only for Speedy Speech but I have also been able to use it for a large number of students with language based issues as well. I will be adding more apps based on the needs of my students in the next month or so.
I can’t thank you and EPEF enough for this grant!
Kind regards,
Joan Koslowske, M.S. CCC-SLP
Speech-Language Pathologist
Good morning, most beautiful EPEF souls!
I wanted to reach out and again thank you for a most inspirational, educational evening of laughter, and good cheer! How nice to be among so many people dedicated to raising up our children. It is interesting how much you realize you need to be around positivity once you are around positivity! It was beautiful seeing you all together enjoying each other and sharing such joy and pride with all that you do! You should be so proud and so full of joy1 You are helping miracles happen in some of these children! I see it with my own eyes!
I am truly humbled to have received this grant, and I do not take this support for granted! YOU make all things possible in the world of these students! YOU show the students that people care! YOU are a reason they believe in the world around them! YOU make ALL the difference! Bless you! Thank you, thank you, all of you!!
Tracy Radler
Lore School
Physical Education Teacher
Honoring the Innovations of Ewing Teachers. Recognizing the Support of our Corporate Partners.
Tuesday, May 8, 2018 at 5:30
Mountain View Golf Course
850 Bear Tavern Road
Ewing Township, NJ 08628
Individual Ticket: $40.00
You can pay online at
or mail your check to:
P.O. Box 7033
Ewing, NJ 08628
For sponsorship information, click here.
Thanking ETS for its commitment to, and support of, local education, the Ewing Public Education Foundation (EPEF) recently awarded ETS with a certificate of recognition. At the same time, at an annual awards ceremony, ETS continued its 20-year-plus tradition of supporting Ewing, N.J., schools by announcing two new teacher grants, one for literacy and one for math.
Staff from the ETS Center for Advocacy and Philanthropy (CAAP) attended the event, as did ETSers who live in Ewing, a community where ETS has a call center and warehouse facilities.
As a founding and sustaining partner of EPEF for more than 20 years, ETS funds teacher grants awarded by EPEF to teachers in the Ewing Public Schools in a variety of academic areas. Teacher grants support the design and creation of innovative programs and range from $100 to several thousand dollars. They support literacy, community/leadership, math, science, technology and creative arts projects.
“There’s no question that working together with EPEF and the superintendent, we are making a difference in Ewing Public Schools,” says Lenora Green, Executive Director of CAAP. “We are truly partners in education.”
At this year’s awards event, Laurie Russell, Manager of Community Relations for CAAP, presented two teacher awards. One was for a Parkway Elementary School online literacy program to help second-grade students who are below-grade-level readers. The other was for a new Lore Elementary School physical education program that will incorporate the development of skills in mathematics, geography, physical fitness, health, science, personal safety and music.
Past grants have supported community and leadership programs that foster community service such as a kids’ voting program. Math, science and technology grants have supported programs like a hands-on science night. Creative arts grants have been used to design programs to help foster art appreciation.
CAAP supports Ewing Schools in a number of ways. Other grants have supported the improved use of assessment data, discussions and presentations on achievement gap initiatives, in-house professional development programs related to closing achievement gaps, and teacher- and staff-recognition programs.
CAAP also hosts EPEF’s annual board retreat and sponsors the annual awards banquet to recognize the Ewing High School football team. ETS also prints the annual Ewing Public School Calendar and Parent Handbook, which is distributed to more than 5,000 parents, public school staff and administrators.
“By allowing EPEF, the Board of Education and the schools to use our facilities for strategic planning meetings, retreats and other events, we have made a significant impact on their ability to collaborate and work toward building better schools,” says Karl Clark, ETS Test Security Supervisor and Vice President of the EPEF board of trustees. Clark will become president of the Foundation in August.
EPEF works closely with Superintendent of Schools Michael Nitti and members of the Ewing Township Board of Education to achieve its goals. “The continual support of ETS allows both the EPEF and the district to participate in programs and support endeavors that otherwise would not be possible,” says Nitti.
David Csillan was selected as one of the recipients of both the National Athletic Trainers’ Association’s 2016 Most Distinguished Athletic Trainer (MDAT) Award and the Athletic Trainer Service Award.
Csillan, a resident of Titusville, New Jersey, is the athletic trainer at Ewing High School in Ewing, New Jersey.
The Most Distinguished Athletic Trainer award recognizes NATA members who have demonstrated exceptional commitment to leadership, volunteer service, advocacy and distinguished professional activities as an athletic trainer. MDAT exclusively recognizes NATA members who have been involved in service and leadership activities at the national and district level. This award acknowledges outstanding dedication and service to the athletic training profession.
The Athletic Trainer Service Award recognizes NATA members for their contributions to the athletic training profession as a volunteer at the local and state levels. These recipients have been involved in professional associations, community organizations, grassroots public relations efforts and service as a volunteer athletic trainer.
Candidates for both awards must have held the certified athletic trainer (ATC) credential, conferred by the board of certification, and have been an NATA member, both for at least 20 years.
“We are always excited to recognize the dedication, excellence, inspirational outlook and commitment of our honorees, and this year is no exception,” said NATA honors and awards committee chair Chuck Kimmel, ATC. “These recipients serve as role models to their peers and represent some of the best of the best of the athletic training profession. We know they will continue to contribute to their place of work and their community at large in ensuring quality of care and optimal health moving into the years ahead.”
The presentation was made during NATA’s 67th Clinical Symposia and AT Expo in Baltimore earlier this summer.
Read it on Mercerspace:
PDF version: 20160906MercerspaceAthleticTrainerReceivesAwards
You’re cordially invited to attend
A Parent Recognition Program
to celebrate the families of Fisher Middle School’s
Honor Roll Students
Monday, June 8, 2015
6:30 pm
Fisher Middle School Auditorium
This event is sponsored by the Credit Union of New Jersey & Ewing Public Education Foundation.
Please rsvp with Erika Freeman at before 6/1/15.
Editor’s note: This article is the second in a series that explores relationships and partnerships ETS has formed with various local and national educational organizations. The first article looked at ETS’s work with Trenton schools. The next article will focus on schools in San Antonio, Texas.
In keeping with ETS’s social mission, the ETS Social Investment Fund (SIF) works closely with local and national organizations to plan and create initiatives that support the communities surrounding ETS facilities.
SIF has an excellent working relationship with the Ewing Public Education Foundation (EPEF), an independent, not-for-profit citizens’ organization that mobilizes community support, concern, commitment and resources to help improve the quality of education in Ewing.
ETS provides grants to EPEF, which have helped the district improve the use of assessment data, funded discussions and presentations on achievement gaps initiatives, and supported in-house professional development programs related to closing achievement gaps. Grants have also supported teacher- and staff-recognition programs and teacher grants for innovative educational programs in the classroom. ETS also hosts EPEF’s annual retreat at the Chauncey Conference Center.
“By allowing EPEF, the Board of Education and the schools to use our facilities for strategic planning meetings, retreats and other events, we have made a significant impact on their ability to collaborate and work toward building better schools,” says Karl Clark, ETS Test Security Analyst and member of the EPEF board.
EPEF works closely with Superintendent of Schools Michael Nitti and members of the Ewing Township Board of Education to achieve its goals. “The continual support of ETS allows both the EPEF and the district to participate in programs and support endeavors that otherwise would not be possible,” says Nitti.
For more than 16 years, EPEF has provided grants to teachers for innovative educational projects. In 2010, EPEF named one of the grants for Eleanor Horne, a recently retired ETS vice president, for her “tireless dedication and support of the education community in general and Ewing Public Schools in particular,” as Nitti wrote in April 2010.
ETS funds teacher grants awarded by EPEF in a wide variety of academic areas. In the 2009–10 academic year, 29 grants — ranging from one hundred dollars to several thousand dollars — supported literacy, community/leadership, math, science, technology and creative arts projects.
Grants supported literacy programs such as the use of SMART-boards in language-arts classes to connect those studies to technology and e-book resources to supplement the district’s media center. Teacher grants have also supported community and leadership programs that foster community service such as a student voting program. Math, science and technology grants have supported programs like “Hands-On Science Night,” which offers students real-life experiences with technology and science. Creative arts grants have been used to design programs to help foster art appreciation.
Christine Perkins, second grade teacher at Antheil Elementary School used a grant to create a courtyard garden at the school. Kindergarteners and their fifth-grade ‘buddies’ planted a strawberry patch and tulip bulbs, and over time they also added a fish pond and bird-feeding area.
ETS funds one of Ewing schools’ flagship programs, “Odyssey of the Mind,” an international educational program that provides opportunities for students to apply their creativity toward solving problems. Students bring their solutions to competitions on the local, state and international level. Thousands of teams from the United States and about 25 countries participate in the competition.
This year, the fourth- and fifth-grade team at Ewing’s William L. Antheil Middle School competed at
the New Jersey regional tournament in March and the state tournament in April. They won best in New Jersey and went to the world finals to compete against 52 international teams. They placed thirteenth, which was in the top 25 percent.
Wayne Staub, president of EPEF and a parent chaperone for the team, calls it an unbelievable experience. “Kids from Japan, Poland, Texas, Florida and New Jersey may look and sound different, but they really have a lot more in common than any one of them could have ever imagined. This could not be possible without the support we receive from ETS. I wish every kid who is involved with Odyssey of the Mind has an opportunity to have a world finals experience. I will never forget it and it inspires me to do more for kids and to help create opportunities for them.”
Following up on the program, SIF’s Dave Hobson and Laurie Russell participated in a public service announcement to help promote Ewing schools. “We talked about how Odyssey of the Mind promotes creative, outside-of-the-box thinking, and how important these skills are for today’s students,” says Russell.
Students and parent chaperones with OMER the raccoon, mascot of Odyssey of the Mind.
ETS has been a longtime supporter of the Ewing Talent Show, an annual event to highlight the talents of Ewing children in grades K–12. The relationship began in 2004, and since then, ETS has contributed
$5,000 each year to cover expenses such as prize money, trophies and refreshments, and has also printed the talent show applications and the program book, provided stage decorations, and funded the development of a website.
“There is no question that ETS has been extremely generous to Ewing and our most precious commodity, our children,” says former Ewing mayor Jack Ball, who was the catalyst of the event. “For that I am and will remain extremely grateful.”
The seventh annual Talent Show, which was held at Fisher Middle School in February, was dedicated to former ETS employee Robert Malinowski, who was a member of the Talent Show Committee, designed the annual program booklet, secured ads for the book and oversaw SIF’s participation and support of the talent show. Malinowski passed away in January, about six weeks before this year’s show.
In February, 57 children participated in the two shows — one in the afternoon and one in the evening. More than 600 parents, family members, friends and Ewing residents attended, including the superintendent of schools and the mayor of Ewing.
Ball, who continues to head the Talent Show Committee, says, “What we have done together for the past seven years is to give young people an opportunity to showcase their talent and increase their confidence while also affording the community an opportunity to come together for a most enjoyable and family-oriented day.”
SIF supports the Ewing Schools in a number of other ways. ETS prints the Ewing Public School Calendar and Parent Handbook, which is distributed to more than 5,000 parents, public school staff and administrators.
ETS also sponsors and hosts the annual Ewing Parents’ End Zone Club Awards Banquet to recognize the Ewing Township High School football team. Close to 170 parents, coaches and guest speakers share stories and bestow awards on student athletes.
Over the years, ETS has also donated SAT® study guides, fax machines, glare screens, desk organizers, white boards, easels, bulletin boards, binders and a host of other surplus items to the school district. “In this age of ever-shrinking funding, we appreciate all donations and offers of support,” says Raymond Broach, former Superintendent of Ewing Schools, in a letter to SIF in 2009.
“There’s no question that working together with EPEF and the superintendent, we are making a difference in Ewing Public Schools,” says Russell. “We are truly partners in education.”
Posted: July 19, 2011